Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All by myself.......

My help has all abandoned me. I was feeling pretty good about this three kid thing with my parents here helping and Rick taking time off work....and then everyone went back to their real lives, including me. We're surviving over here on short amounts of sleep and a not to spotless house, but it was great having my parents and Rick home to help for awhile. Here's some pictures of the kids with my parents...... We went out on an airboat tour (I left Rick home with Cole and a bottle...) to see alligators...who were apparently all sleeping underwater that day...
We had to hit up Jaxons for their famous ice cream

And we even took the kids to a water park for a work event for the fire department (which was sadly how Cole got his sunburn under a lifeguard umbrella)

The rest of the time was spent playing at our house, swimming, and going to Chicfila.

Thanks mom and dad for helping out so much....what would we have done without you??? The kids have a countdown going now for Idaho and Thanksgiving......

1 comment:

Jenny said...

carson and brynnli's room looks so cute! i want to see more pictures (eventually. i know you're busy :))!

i'm sure the 3 kids thing will get easier and easier. sounds like you are doing a great job!