Monday, August 23, 2010


Carson started real preschool today. Sniff. In Florida it is free for kids to go to preschool the year before they start kindergarten. So Carson will be going everyday in the morning for three hours. He was a little hesitant at first this morning when he wokeup, but got over it by the time we left. HE was very excited to go with his backpack. I on the other hand was a mess. I held it together until I had to leave him there....and then cried like a baby in the car in the parking lot for awhile. I go again. Carson went right in and started playing... And then sat down on the rug when the teacher said it was time for the parents to leave....I would've stayed... :(
I can't believe I have a kid this old. I am so proud and excited for him though. I think. Sniff....


Kristina said...

Can't believe how big Carson is now! He is so adorable. That is so nice that FL gives free preschool before kindergarten. I wish Cali did that. I would be crying too! The fact that Andrew happily goes to nursery now and doesn't even look back sometimes makes me sad. Glad Carson is loving preschool though! Now we need more pics of Cole :) My mom and I had so much fun shopping for some things for him this weekend.

Jenny said...

He looks like such a big kid! I'm sure having crazy post-baby hormones didn't help with dropping him off. He will have so much fun though!

Dave, Trisha and Kaitlyn said...

I agree with Jenny...although my mom still cries whenever we leave her :) Can't blame that on post-baby hormones.