Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Carson's first soccer game

Carson had his first soccer game and on Saturday. It was so fun. He was so excited since his last two practices and real first game had been rained out the week before. He was also excited that daddy is helping coach his team. He didn't really know too much about how to play an actual game since they only had one practice previously, so the game was funny to watch. He did very good though. Here's him doing a corner kick. There is no referree so Rick was on the field with the kids with the coach of the other team.
Brynnli, Cole, and I sat on the sidelines under the shade since even though the game was at nine a.m. it was still hotter than anything out. I had an ah hah moment while watching the game though. It may have had something to do with the strange looks I was getting, and funny questions like, "wait.... (upon examining the newborn strapped to me and my two year old holding onto my leg) and you have another one playing?" or " must like children." All of a sudden I realized, I am a soccer mom? Not possible, I am still 21 right? I don't have three kids under four....? I feel like just yesterday I was playing myself, or watching my siblings play....I am old! When did that happen?


Jenny said...

we're all old! it's okay. old is the new...young...

i am so excited carson's playing in real soccer games!! is this the first year he's had real games? that's so fun rick is helping coach. very cute. the little kid games are hilarious, just a huge pack of kids running after a ball. i hope one day kate will play, so far she hasn't shown much interest. maybe macy :)

Amanda said...

Hi I am a random person you don't know from texas. I found your blog by googeling Garbage Man halloween costumes.

Your halloween post from last year popped up! My 2 1/2 year old is so obessed with the trash truck and plays all things trashman. I was trying to figure out a costume for him this year.

Will you PLEASE e-mail me and tell mw where you got that mini- trash can and any other advice for putting the costume together.

THANK YOU SO MUCH in advance:)

---Amanda Whitley--

Amanda said...

oh and I just noticed you were at a ward Halloween party! We are members too;)