Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter and Egg Hunts

I spent so much time this month thinking about how excited I was for us to wear matching outfits to church and what we were going to eat, and then I realized I had completely lost the meaning of Easter itself. I LOVED talking with my kids about Jesus and all he has done for us, and hope I can teach them to remember what's really important in addition to all the fun stuff. It was a really nice day, good family time, good talks in church, and good food and family.

Then of course there were the usual festivities leading up to Easter, egg hunts at school, and at the park, which Rick got to come to, which was so nice. Last year me and my prego self lugged the two to the Easter stuff solo....not nearly as fun.


Jenny said...

LOVE the Easter outfits this year! You and Brynnli rock the white dresses with that tan Florida skin to contrast. Allison you look extremely skinny and Cole's not even one yet-- lucky you!

Lisa said...

I agree with everything Jenny said! :) You have such an adorable family - such gorgeous kids! Congrats on the big 3-0, I had to laugh at your birthday post - I used to think people that were 30 were old too, now the joke is on me! :)

John and Courtney Houghton said...

Oh my goodness, the Easter pictures are so cute. I love the ties on the boys. :) Florida is treating you guys well!