Thursday, April 1, 2010


I think we have finally recovered from getting rid of the paci and returned to afternoon nap/quiet time (for now anyways). Ahh... the joys. But this picture was taken in the height of the madness a few days after we kicked the paci Carson got a cold....which for him equals the nebulizer or he gets bronchitis. He must've been pretty wiped out, he doesn't EVER do this.

One of my favorite things about spring is strawberries. Last year we heard about this yummy place to pick strawberries and the kids have been begging to go back all year. It finally got warm enough so we decided to go. The kids ate lots of strawberries, and the best part was the strawberry milkshakes we bought afterwards, which I may have a picture of but refuse to post due to the fact that I look a little more pregnant than I'd like in it.....but enough of that.

Brynnli wasn't in the mood for posing this day.... she was too busy eating. Just like mom.


Jenny said...

yum. there's a place like that out here we want to try. i wish you would have shown your pregnant picture! you are past the halfway mark, it's okay to have a belly.

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

That sounds like so much fun. Where is it? I want to go. You always know the cool things to do around here.