Sunday, January 18, 2009

A little of everything

I just wanted to post some pictures of the random stuff we've been doing lately.
We finally got together with our best friends the Wernlis the other night, we hadn't seen them in over a month because of vacations etc. The kids were pretty good and cute most of the night.

This is how Carson smiles when I tell him to smile, kinda scary huh?

The little girls fit better together in the car, this was the only picture I got of both sort of looking
We went to visit Rick's friend Jonathan whose mom makes some yummy carrot cake, here's Rick and Brynnli sharing it in the kitchen, Brynnli can be quite the chow hound Us at Jonathan's house on the beach

Brynnli's hair on top is long enough for a little braid, so this was the day of the braid, which you can't even see in this picture, but hey she's smiling

We took the kids to the circus, which was so fun! Carson was equally excited about the treats and the circus.......

I know you are all jealous of my cool circus hat

My cousin Elise and her husband came into town to leave on a cruise, it was great to catch up with them, and exciting for us since no one ever comes to visit us here (sniff...)

We are taking the kids to Disneyworld for the first time this week, so stay tuned for tons of pictures from that!


Jenny said...

ooh look at you getting creative with the blog! i'm excited for you guys to go to disneyworld! that will be so fun! oh and so great you got to meet up with elise; i was wondering if you guys would get to see each other.

PerryParty3 said...

I love all the pictures of the kids, especially Brynli's cute hairdos! :) Have fun at disneyworld!