Sunday, January 13, 2008

Our trip to Boise

Okay I am officially the worst blogger ever! I am just now finally posting some pictures of our trip to Boise for Christmas, how sad! Expect it to get worse though in a couple weeks!!! Anyways, we had a great time with everyone (minus Rick) and had fun in the cold weather and snow. Here's some pictures:

We went bowling on New Years Eve, it was fun, even the babies mostly had a good time. Carson and I used the little kid way of bowling and rolled the ball on the floor, I didn't want to risk going into labor far from home and without Rick:)

Grandpa and the two grandkids:)
My mom and Carson bonded over a common hobby, cleaning:)

My little brother is 16 and had his eagle court of honor while we were there, I was very impressed with his speech!! What a big kid!
My brother in law Chris had his birthday while we were there, so we went out to breakfast to celebrate and I decorated this cake for him, I am still designated the family cake decorator:)

Carson had sooo much fun with Kate while we were there, he always wanted to know where she was, and he was usually pretty good with her, occasionally his friendliness was a little too aggressive and would scare her......

Carson was sick the whole trip mostly, and was not in the best mood most of the time, unfortunately, but he did have his moments of cuteness, mostly at night before bedtime:)

This sledding trip didn't quite turn out as Jenny and I had planned for the kids.... we had fun though:) Poor Chris though, he had to pull his 8 month pregnant sister in law around on the sled, thanks Chris!!!

Jenny was sooo excited to build a snowman, Carson loved to look at him too and was very concerned when he started melting...I'll post more pictures soon.....


Jenny said...

21 days until baby tolbert!! that is so soon! did you ever decide how to spell her name? good job on the blog, we had a great time over christmas and miss you guys!

Lisa said...

What great pictures! It was so fun to see you guys and I am so excited for you to add another little friend to your family! Hang in there these last couple of weeks... :)

hayley said...

WhAT"S THE NAME??? COme on, let us in on the secret!!! Looks' like you had a fun trip! The sledding wasn't so fun for my boys either:( GOod luck with labor and everything, and hopefully you will be like most moms and have an easier time with the second! Can't wait to see pictures or her!!!

Melanie Love said...

You've been tagged. Check out our blog for the rules. (Sorry) I can't believe how good you look. Amazing. Congrats!!