Thursday, September 27, 2007

What a big boy

Well, it's official, my little boy is growing up all of a sudden!! With our new baby coming in February, we decided that we would have to move Carson out of his crib sometime before then, and then before I knew it I bought a fire truck toddler bed and now Carson wants nothing to do with his crib (why would he, he can get out of the fire truck bed himself). It is all very crazy, but Carson is doing great sleeping in it so far, we are only two days/nights into it though.

Now Carson gets to drive a fire truck just like his dad!!!! I just can't believe how big he is getting all of a sudden, but we are having so much fun with him!


hayley said...

That bed is SO CUTE!! How fun:) I think that is great you are making that transition now, so by the time the baby comes it won't even be an issue. I hope that naps are still working for him. That's when Luke stopped napping is when he went to the bed because it was just too much fun to get out!

Chris said...

Posted at 3:24 am. Allison you need some sleep. That is an awesome bed. Well, we got our iMac now. It has a camera and I keep telling Jenny to call you and try to do a web chat. Get on her about it.

Lisa said...

What a cute, fun big boy bed!!

Jenny said...

no way what a cool bed! i can't wait to see carson at christmas

Chris said...

Im so glad you got him a fire truck bed. Its better that he follows Rick in that sense than that of being a fan of the Miami Hurricanes. Can you imagine? Poor little El Rojo Jr., sleeping in a jail cell... I cant stand the thought! Please no more thugs in the making.