Friday, August 10, 2012

Cole's 2nd Birthday

Our little Cole turned two yesterday.  He's the best.  We spent the whole day laughing.  He's so hilarious.  Rick brought home a chocolate birthday donut for Cole.  He loved it.  He's obsessed with lawnmowers. So I bought him a toy weed whacker online.  We opened it and he loved it.  Until an hour later when it died.  Cole was devestated, so we drove over to Toys R Us and found another one.  We went to Chic-fil-A for lunch and spent the rest of the day having fun.  We played, swam, Cole helped daddy mow the lawn, and had cake. 

 Cute capes made by Grandma Christensen

 Cole stats: 27 Lbs, 36 in
                      Favorite food: Pizza, cheese, peaches
Favorite toy: lawnmowers
Cole is so happy.  He loves sleeping and asks to go to bed when he's tired. So different from the other kids. He loves playing with the other two kids.  He loves holding Brielle.  He is tough, and sweet at the same time.  He loves to swim, and is really good at it with his floaties on.  He also really loves to dance. 
Words: He says lots of words, especially, "mamower", and loves his "night night" (paci) at bedtime.  He also LOVES his grandpas and his daddy. 

When we kept telling Cole it was his birthday today, he kept blowing like he was blowing out his candles.  He was too cute singing happy "day" "day" to himself too.  He is really such a joy.  Love that kid.


Jenny said...

He looks like such a big boy in these pictures! His face is losing its baby chub :( Oh, and he's 2 inches taller than Macy :)

I love that weed wacker! Happy Birthday Cole!

Nicole said...

Sounds like his language is developing well :) what cute little guy, sounds like he had a fun birthday!