Friday, June 25, 2010

The Dentist and Potty Training

I have this long list of things to do before the baby comes in August, and one of them was to attempt potty training this crazy girl. I wish I had left well enough alone.

She caught on super fast and is peeing in the potty like a champ. Number two on the other hand.....well lets just say I have given up. She will probably be pooing in her pants until she gets married. So, one trip to the doctor, and several suppositories, treats, princesses, sticker charts, etc. later, I have admitted defeat. A month later....she won't go on the potty for number two..... she will hardly even go in her diaper. Anyone have any suggestions? Good thing she's so cute.......everything with Carson was sooo easy......
...Another one of the things on my list was to take Carson to the dentist for the first time. He was very good and sat still in the chair the whole time. The hygenist was very nice and it helped that they gave him stickers, a new toothbrush, and had Mickey Mouse on the TV.

He was a very good boy, and so was Brynnli who watched from the chair with me. Carson has been brushing several times a day since then without me bugging him, so I think it was a GREAT idea

What a good boy. We love him so much!


Jenny said...

oh man, sorry iit hasn't gotten any better. i'd just not make a big deal about it for awhile and hopefully she'll feel safe to do her thing again.

Kristina said...

they are both so cute!! hopefully she gets the hang of things soon... i still haven't had the courage to really push it much. andrew was interested for awhile, but now he's not. :(

either way, they are the most darling kids ever! wish we lived closer so we could hang out.

Lisa said...

Sorry you have the same problem with Brynnli that I had with Jenna. She got number 1 a lot faster. We went through a lot of underwear with number 2. All I can remember is that I never went back to diapers and instead of pennies (which she got for pees), she got quarters. Then we used the money to buy her something at Toys R Us. Good luck and stick with it. If she has pees down it's only a matter of time until the other one comes. Good luck, kiddo! Love ya.

Dave, Trisha and Kaitlyn said...

You are one brave mama. Kaitlyn is older than Brynnli and I ask her if she would like to go pee on the pretty princess potty (that she insisted she have, btw) and she says "no mommy. Kait-in go pee in her pu-up." I like the money idea Lisa had. I wonder if I have the energy to work on this :)