I can't believe my little baby is one month old. He is so fun. He LOVES to eat....in fact I'm pretty sure he may be my one shot at having a chubby baby. He just started smiling today, and he has a cute little dimple on his left cheek that I love. He won't take a pacifier so far (any suggestions?) He isn't sleeping a bunch yet, but someday.
As I hold him I can't help but think that this might be my last baby. It might be the last time I hear those cute little baby noises and smell that cute baby smell.....and it might be the last time I spend 20 out of 24 hours nursing:) or literally running out of the store (last night I tried to take him shopping and left after twenty minutes) because my baby is screaming balistically. But who knows? We love the little guy and are enjoying him as much as is possible.
Happy one month birthday little guy!
great outfit Cole!! he does look like he's getting some cute baby chub on him which i love :) neither of my girls have shown much interest in their pacifiers either so i'm not help there.
that shot of brynnli with her hair pulled back reminds me of someone but i cant figure out who. thats so cute she's doing a dance class. last week kate asked me if she could have ballerina lessons, so i'm starting to look into it too :)
Those kids are way too cute to be done:) Haha, although I wouldn't be sad to never be pregnant again!
I miss my little niece and nephews! I want to make Cole smile so I can see the dimple in person.
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