This is what my kitchen counter looks like tonight. I would put the medicines away, but it's too hard to get them out every few hours, especially with one hand (Cole has claimed my other one). Thank you preschool for all the germs. The last week and a half or so has been consumed by this. We even had to visit the ER. Is it even flu season yet? I think not. Not good news for us.

Lucky for Rick, he got to escape the madness two weekends in a row by going to some football games. I won't pretend I was a saint and didn't complain a little......but I'm glad he had fun.

We didn't do much while he was gone, because we are a walking circus, but we did watch the game and try to support our teams. I bought the kids matching shirts, but once again, Brynnli refused to wear hers. She is forever a princess.

My boys
Hopefully I will be able to clean off my counter soon!!
seriously how cute is cole!! seeing him on your blog makes me happy. sorry carson got so sick, that is really bad timing with a new baby and rick being gone. i guess since florida's always warm it's not like it matters what season it is. we'll keep carson and all of you in our prayers! i wish i could do more to help from here!
You ARE a saint, Allison. Anyone who has put up with my crazy bro for as long as you have, definately has "saint" status!! Seriously... When was the last time you really slept?!?!?
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