Wednesday, October 22, 2008

High School Reunion

I'm sorry my post titles are so lame and unoriginal, but let's be honest, I don't have time to come up with good ones. So Saturday night was Rick's ten year high school reunion! There is no way that we (well not me, I am MUCH younger) are old enough to be doing reunions at all, yet here we were getting ready and going to one. I had quite the time finding a modest fancyish dress for the occasion, south Florida is not the modest fashion capital of the world by any means. Carson has been a little clingy lately, actually both our kids have.... very unfortunate. Here's Rick with some of his old friends (for some reason I ended up in the picture too...)

We went to the beach earlier Saturday with some of Rick's closest friends and their wives, sign.others etc., which was really fun. It was fun to meet some of the people Rick talks about and to experience a reunion other than the cliche ones I"ve seen on television. It was actually a little less cheesy than I was expecting, but still very entertaining. There was still the little groups all divided up and lots of drinking, which was interesting for Rick and I, who spent a great deal of time at the food table (I know you are all suprised!) Rick's favorite comment of the night was his friend who told him that he had changed the least out of anyone. Rick was very excited about that (meaning tha the hadn't blimped out or anything:) It was really fun to go, and to get to dress up and hangout together! Thanks to the Tolberts for babysitting!!


Jenny said...

cute dress all! i can't believe you guys are so old you are going to high school reunions, haha! jk thats like next year or the one after for chris.

rick props to you on doing a great job at aging slowly.

Kevin and Emily said...

You guys look great! Glad it was a fun night.

PerryParty3 said...

Highschool reunions?! Man, that went fast! You look stunning in that dress! Glad you had fun!