So today as part of our church weekly park day, we had the kids dress up and we ate treats! I am pretty sure that Carson had at least five cookies and ten peices of candy this morning, and where was I? Eating right along with him:) It just so happened that most of the boys dressed up as superheroes (there were about five or six more that showed up later.... after the pic) How cute were they?
Last night we tagged along to our friends the Wernlis trunk or treat, and Carson was having a blast getting and eating all the candy.
Brynnli sat in the trunk with Rick and helped hand out the candy. It was soo cold! She looked soo cute!
Here's our little superhero and fairy princess together in the trunk.... both exhausted!
Last weekend our friends had a mystery dinner party at their house. It was super fun! We all were assigned a character beforehand and came dressed in character to discover who the murderer was. Rick is right behind me, just in case you don't recognize him, what with the pasty white skin and huge overbite! My favorite part was the red fishnet stockings!
Last week also, for my Bunko group, we dressed up. Kim and I thought It'd be fun to dressup as pirates together, and it was really fun. We even got ready together before which totally reminded me of Halloween at BYU. Everyone loved our costumes, and we got to rebel for an evening with fake drawn on tattoos and two earrings in one ear (for me). Watch out!
Carson of course watched us getting ready and was jealous, so he started putting on our leftovers and running around saying he was a pirate too. I think he thought if he got dressed up too that he could come to mommy's "party". Cute guy. But, he did get to stay home with Rick and watch pirates in Peter Pan and part of Pirates of the Caribbean (highly edited parts I am assured).
This isn't a dressup pic, but I had to include it as it is tradition in our family to go pick out a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch and to take a picture, regardless of how unphotogenic it turns out. Will we ever get a cute one of them together?
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