Thursday, August 28, 2008

This is the life

Today we took the two kiddos out for a boat ride on the intercoastal in Rick's dad's boat. It was so fun!! It was a beautiful day, especially when the breeze hit us right! The funniest part of the day was definately poor little Brynnli in her too puffy lifevest. She looked like she was in a body cast, but she was such a good girl and such a great sport!
Even though she had just woken up from a nap, she passed back out, I think she figured, hey, I can't move, I might as well go to sleep. We definately didnt' have to worry about her rolling off...
Carson got a turn to help drive the boat, he was so excited! He was watching everything! Cruise ships, airplanes, cargo carriers, a pelican eating a fish, he LOVED it!

He got a little nervous at one point when we hit a few "big waves" but that was it.

Brynnli will have to grow into her sunglasses, as well as her lifevest

What cuties, we had so much fun with them!

I hadn't been on the boat since before Carson was born, it felt so good to get back out there!!

Thanks Grandpa and Grandma T. for a great relaxing day!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

fun fun! brynnli in her little (well, big) life vest is 100 percent adorable. thats awesome she was so good.