Rick and Carson went and did a little father son bonding this weekend at the Monster Truck Show

Carson had a blast there and couldn't stop talking about it when he got home!

Rick got Carson a few monster trucks and he has been reenacting the show ever since, it is very cute and so fun that he is getting old enough to do fun stuff like that!

As usual, Brynnli and I went to the mall together, she is such a good little shopper, we were gone like three hours or something and she just hungout in the Bjorn happily.
that's the cutest thing ever. i think kate would like something like that too. i should have chris take her on a daddy daughter date to the monster trucks, haha.
Allison that is the sweetest picture of Brynnli. Really she is tooooo stinkin cute! I love Carson in the rain too. Your over-preparation makes me laugh. HA! Thanks for the laugh...hehe
Allison that is the sweetest picture of Brynnli. Really she is tooooo stinkin cute! I love Carson in the rain too. Your over-preparation makes me laugh. HA! Thanks for the laugh...hehe
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