Excuse Brynnli, apparently she had her hat over her face for the picture, oops!!

We have been trying to teach Carson that he can "swim" by himself with floaties or a tube, but he's still kinda scared, he'd rather eat snacks and juice at Grandma's. Aren't they cute
Lately at dinner, while we're eating we put Brynnli in the Bumbo so she feels included, but she just sits there and drools and watches every bite we eat, so we decided, even though we're not giving her cereal or baby food yet (maybe in a couple weeks) we would give her some watermelon to munch on (it is in a little mesh thingy so she can't get out the chunks). She loves it!!
We can't be outside all the time though, it's too hot, so today while Rick worked Carson, Brynnli and I watched "Polar Express", Carson's favorite movie right now, on the beanbag and ate popcorn (well Brynnli didn't, she just drooled). It was really fun. I promise we really don't watch movies that much, that is why it is so fun when we do. Carson's favorite thing to do right now is to pretend he drives a train going to see Santa and he walks around saying "tickets please" and telling me we have a train driving through our living room and that I am Santa. I love the imagination!!!
sounds like fun! polar express is a perfect summer movie!! carson sounds so funny i cant wait to see him.
btw your comment on my blog about the river made me and chris laugh really hard today. like, really hard.
ALLISON! I am so happy we are back in touch. Of course we remember you!! I loved looking through your blog. Your family is so beautiful and life looks really great in Florida. Your kids are so dang cute. I am glad all is well and that we can be blog friends.(= Keep in touch.
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