Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tiny Dancer

This is our little dancer.  She had her first dance recital this weekend.  She was too cute.  Rick and I were both so proud of her for not being terrified to dance in front of a huge audience.  Both of us agreed we wouldn't do it.  She loved getting all dolled up.

 Rick took her to her dress rehearsal.  After she practiced her dance she asked if she could stay and watch the "big girls" do their dances. 

 Brynnli was super stoked that she got to wear makeup to the recital.  I loved doing this with her. 

 The recital was also Brielle's first outing.  We mostly kept her outside or in the lobby to avoid germs, other than the five minutes BRynnli danced, but she was a good girl!

I love how girly Brynnli is.  I was never a dancer and I know nothing about dance in general, but I love that she loves it. 

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