We are pregnant! A surprise for sure, but a great one! Fourth and last....due in May. In any case....that's why I've been a lame blogger lately.... but we went on this amazing cruise last month for our anniversary/my belated 30th bday....it was so fun. Especially because it may be our last for quite some time......
We went with our BFFs the Wernlis, and had a blast!!! The last day we stopped in Key West and ate at this hole in the wall, but oh so yummy place. We rented this set of wheels to cruise around.....
Another day we stopped at Coco Cay, a private island owned by Royal Carribbean and lounged on the beach.....
But the best day was the first day of the cruise, when we stopped in Nassau, Bahamas, my favorite because of so many reasons.....we at at this yummy place Rick and I visited last summer when we were there with my sister's family...

And spent all day at Atlantis using their pools and waterslides. Seriously, I think we spent like four hours alone on the lazy river....and I'm pretty sure I haven't laughed that hard in years. It really was the best day....although I"m pretty sure most of the other people there thought we (okay especially the boys who were dive bombing eachother with tubes) were high schoolers based on our behavior.....
I found out I was prego about a week and a half BEFORE the cruise, and luckily it wasn't until the last day or so that the nauteousness started....although it may have been the gross amount of food I consumed.... (and by the way still have a little pouch to show for it....but I"m blaming it on being pregnant)
But the best day was the first day of the cruise, when we stopped in Nassau, Bahamas, my favorite because of so many reasons.....we at at this yummy place Rick and I visited last summer when we were there with my sister's family...
Also, the day we got on the ship we entered a spa raffle and out of three prizes given away, we won one and our friends the Wernlis won one....so awesome. I got my hair highlighted and got a massage.....SO AMAZING!!! First time for both!!
Can't wait until we can go again! In about ten years......
Meanwhile, our kids were having a little fun of their own at Grandma and Grandpa T.'s....
Congratulations on #4!! If you are having a hard time keeping the blog updated now, just wait! Haha. I hope all goes smoothly with your pregnancy...can't wait to hear the gender! :)
We are so excited for the final addition of the Tolbert family!! It's always funny when a 30th birthday-slash- Anniversary cruise turns into a Babymoon too! You guys deserved it :) I'm sad we weren't able to join you...maybe in like 10 years when all our kids are older we can try again.
Seriously! You guys have all the fun! Congratulations on the pregnancy:) I am pregnant too! ugh, nursing still too. eating for three when your nauseous is the worst. I am due May 23! We can end together:) If I can stop getting pregnant that is!!! It happens way to easily.
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