It's been quite the ride. The other day I was showing the kids pictures from our wedding and all of a sudden i was like.....whoa, we don't look the same anymore! I feel like up until now I thought we still did (maybe because my mental age is still stuck at 21...). Crazy. Rick looks like he's twelve!!!
Ten or eleven years ago when we were dating, we went through a lot to be together (what with a year of long distance, Rick getting baptized, and me trying to date other guys) and It's been well worth it. We have tons of fun together still, and I"m so thankful I get to be married to my best friend.
Happy Anniversary!
Uh....so I guess I got your anniversary confused with mom and dads because I sent them both happy anniversary texts today. Ha. Happy Anniversary!! Sorry you missed out on your awesome text from me and now mom and dad will get two.
Rick looks like a baby!!! Congrats on 9 years of marriage.
This post made me smile. My mom was reminding me the other day of seeing "Slick Rick" in the hot tub for the first time and how we weren't sure we wanted to go play night games with him that night. Haha...I couldn't believe she remembered that :). Funny to think how great a guy, husband and dad he turned out to be. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Also....stange request....my son wants to be a garbage man for halloween. I did a search which led me to your halloween post. Where did you ever find that mini garbage can your son used on Halloween the year he went as a garbage man.
Funny I get this question about the garbageman costume every year...I guess I should sell them:) We made the garbagecan out of a clear pet food container from Walmart, green spray paint, two lawnmower tires, and a waste management sticker I called the company to ask for. Hope that helps!!
Aw I remember you guys like this! You look exactly the same :) Happy anniversary!
Thanks for the garbage man tips!
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