We had the Wernli girls over this weekend for a slumber party while their parents went out of town for a wedding (and for a much needed break from twin babies and toddlers...). The kids had so much fun. We played outside, ordered pizza, watched a movie, went swimming.....they are so cute.

And where was Cole may you ask? Maybe someday we'll do this again but with his two friends, the Wernli boys (in five years or so...) but this time he mainly hungout in his highchair or crawled around after the kids and had a blast.

I said to Rick at one point this weekend, "see, we could have two more kids....." I'll let you guess what he said.
Haha yeah two more kids, no biggie! Ha. Cole is freaking adorable. Carson and Brynnli are too of course, but Cole's little face just gets me every time. Maybe those are the first signs of baby hunger? Nah, I think he's just really cute :)
So fun and sooo nice of you to watch your friend's kids. You're a good example to me always doing nice things for people.
Little Cole Man is so stinkin' cute! You are a super woman Allison. Miss you all!
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