Ahh Mother's Day. Dreams of a day off, sleeping in, breakfast in bed, perfectly dressed and behaved children, a clean house, just to name a few. Dreams, that is exactly what they are. The reality? Sick kid up all night before, kids up at 6:30 (husband still at work....), total disaster of a house........need i go on? I just laugh it off because as an adult, there really is no day off.
All joking aside though, I couldn't find more joy doing anything else. These little sweeties are what makes life great. Okay, them and my wonderful husband who cooked and cleaned for me today so I could play with them, which is really all I wanted to do for mother's day.

I've been having fun finding matchy match clothes for Brynnli and I lately while she'll still let me. I feel like I owe it to her since she might not ever have a sister to match with.....so I made us some matching skirts to wear...hehe (she was excited about the skirt actually, just not having her picture taken...EVER)

We had Rick's parents over in the morning for breakfast before church, Rick cooked and did a great job!
And of course I"m so thankful for my awesome mom, I can't imagine what kind of person I would be without her example. Yay for moms!!!