He's here! He came yesterday at 12:52 and weighed 7 lbs 6 oz. I was pretty much in labor all night at home and then got to the hospital around nine in the morning and out he came...I was sorta hoping to get a nap after my epidural before it all went down....but he was ready to come out. He's a sweetheart.

You'll have to excuse the fact that I look AWFUL. A few days before having Cole I came down with a nasty cough etc. which turned into double pink eye by Saturday, right before having him.

The kids came over yesterday and were super cute him and wanting to look at all his fingers etc. Carson was also very curious about what I was feeding Cole.....
Love this last picture. We are so blessed.
Not to mention we got an awesome night of sleep last night. I'm sure we're in for it now though.....
Congratulations! What a cute little guy. I hope your recovery and adjustment to three go well:)
i want to hold him!!! i'm dying over here!!
that is so sad you are so sick and sleep deprived from laboring all night. you definitely deserved a good night sleep, and hopefully baby cole will be a good little sleeper for you so you can continue to rest up!! congrats again! i couldn't be happier for you!!
He is just perfect! Congratulations! You guys have three very good looking children. Enjoy this special, crazy time. (=
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