It has been three years since Rick spent the fourth of July with us, he has worked the last three so we were so glad to have him around so we could do fun stuff together as a family. We took the kids to a parade on Saturday.... I must admit when we got there and we were parking at the beginning of the parade route and there was NO ONE there I was bummed, but I was wrong, it was an awesome parade!
I was nervous the kids would be disappointed when they didn't get to see the princesses and Mickey like at Disney, but they got sooo much candy, even more than Halloween I think, and believe it or not, there were several princesses, awesome!!
I decided I was brave enough to attempt fireworks with the kids since Rick was home.....they LOVED it. Brynnli just kept saying, "more daddy" and "whoa". Carson wanted to help light them all. Two little pyros in the making. It proved a little challenging since it was raining outside....
I tried buying us all matching shirts to wear for the fourth....but was unsuccessful. I got to the rack of shirts and was pulling one out for all of us at Old navy in different sizes, and I got to Brynnli and handed her the shirt to which she looked up at me in disgust and said, "mommy, this boy shirt! I want that red dress!" So, the boys got matching shirts and Brynnli got a red dress (they didn't have the same one in my size.....big shocker:)She really is a princess in training.
Her red dress was worn pretty much the whole week before the fourth....and then she fell asleep on the way to watch the fireworks and groggily watched a few before passing back out. What a silly girl.
It was so fun to be together as a family.
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