Monday, July 19, 2010
Maid for a day
Today the most amazing thing happened to me. I wokeup, played with my kids, took them to the pool, came home and my house was spotless!!! I"m talking about furniture being moved and vacuumed under, dust sucked out of secret places......it was amazing. How did this happen you ask? As a baby gift, my good friend sent her cleaning lady over here for the day.....I'm calling her my fairy godmother.....now if only she could do the same thing to me that she did to my house.....:) Thank You Maria!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010
The Brynnlis
Brynnli had her first sleepover tonight with a little girl from church, Brinnli.
It just so happens that the two Brynnlis were born about a month apart, and when me and Brinnli's mom found out we were both planning to name our girls Brynnli it was just too late to do anything about it. The funny thing was at the time Rick and I loved Brynnli's name because it was so unusual:) Or so we thought. I'm pretty sure now I've heard of dozens of them....
Our Brynnli, as we referred to her most of the night tonight to avoid confusing Carson, was hilarious and kept pointing to Brinnli and saying "mine wend (friend)" and "other nini". They really liked sitting together on this couch:)
I couldn't help but think while Rick and I were sitting watching Carson and the two girls that actually our Brynnli was supposed to be a twin very early in my pregnancy, which ended up not happening, I can't imagine having two of her!!!!
It just so happens that the two Brynnlis were born about a month apart, and when me and Brinnli's mom found out we were both planning to name our girls Brynnli it was just too late to do anything about it. The funny thing was at the time Rick and I loved Brynnli's name because it was so unusual:) Or so we thought. I'm pretty sure now I've heard of dozens of them....
Our Brynnli, as we referred to her most of the night tonight to avoid confusing Carson, was hilarious and kept pointing to Brinnli and saying "mine wend (friend)" and "other nini". They really liked sitting together on this couch:)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Our project
Another thing on my list of things to do before baby boy comes was to put get Brynnli out of her crib and into a toddler bed....and put her in Carson's room. I have been dragging my feet on this one because of her defiance in every other arena (ok...mainly potty training...which we have put on hold) and because I am secretly depressed about changing her cute purple girly room with butterflies into another boy room. So I decided to redo Carson's room to make it a little more fun....
The night after we painted the kids had a sleepover on the floor in Brynnli's old room
And then we put up her new bed in her "new" room. She was pretty excited.
Her first night sleeping in a big girl bed went really well and so far so good.
I made some comforters and curtains for their beds that are matching...but we are still waiting on a few decorations to come in the mail before I post a final picture. Onto the next thing on my list.....SLEEP!!!!
Rick and Carson painted the room brown for me
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Together for the Fourth, Finally!
It has been three years since Rick spent the fourth of July with us, he has worked the last three so we were so glad to have him around so we could do fun stuff together as a family. We took the kids to a parade on Saturday.... I must admit when we got there and we were parking at the beginning of the parade route and there was NO ONE there I was bummed, but I was wrong, it was an awesome parade!
I was nervous the kids would be disappointed when they didn't get to see the princesses and Mickey like at Disney, but they got sooo much candy, even more than Halloween I think, and believe it or not, there were several princesses, awesome!!
I decided I was brave enough to attempt fireworks with the kids since Rick was home.....they LOVED it. Brynnli just kept saying, "more daddy" and "whoa". Carson wanted to help light them all. Two little pyros in the making. It proved a little challenging since it was raining outside....
I tried buying us all matching shirts to wear for the fourth....but was unsuccessful. I got to the rack of shirts and was pulling one out for all of us at Old navy in different sizes, and I got to Brynnli and handed her the shirt to which she looked up at me in disgust and said, "mommy, this boy shirt! I want that red dress!" So, the boys got matching shirts and Brynnli got a red dress (they didn't have the same one in my size.....big shocker:)She really is a princess in training.
Her red dress was worn pretty much the whole week before the fourth....and then she fell asleep on the way to watch the fireworks and groggily watched a few before passing back out. What a silly girl.
It was so fun to be together as a family.
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