Me and Brynnli are outnumbered.... coming from a family where girls always outnumbered the boys this makes me a little nervous:) But I can't wait! We need name suggestions though because I had only picked out girl ones since I was 99% positive that's what it was. Shows what I know. Carson is thrilled and still is pulling for his new brother "garbage truck". It was fun though because we took the kids to the ultrasound which we haven't done before and they loved it! Even though I think Carson was a little skeptical when the lady was pointing at the "face" and telling him that was his brother's face.... he was like, are we having an alien baby?

Wow! Congratulations! I personally like the name "garbage truck." You can call him "GT" for short. :)
another quarterback maybe... peyton???
Congrats on having another little boy! And good luck on the names. If we have a boy I am totally up a creek. I have no idea what to name a little boy :).
Congratulations! Good luck with the boy names, they are so much harder than girl names.
I like a name beginning with D. B/c you have Allison, Brynnli, Carson, then D___. Of course for this really to make sense you have to keep going to reach Rick :)
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