She may look harmless, but don't be fooled, she's crazy. 
We need your help. Five sleep....well, no naps....none of us. This may not seem like a big deal, but I am pregnant people. I need rest!
Five days ago I had a brilliant idea to get rid of Brynnli's best friend, aka, her paci. Why? This is the question I've asked myself everyday for the last five days around one o'clock at naptime. It was no big deal to get rid of Carson's around the same age, she's only had it at bedtime for months now, no big deal right? Not! Well, not true. She couldn't care less. We told her if she threw her pacis away we'd buy her a princess. She loved it. She's happy as can be not napping, playing in her crib, whatever. She doesn't miss it at all. Not me. I want it back. She's two, she still needs a nap, Carson just quit needing one for goodness sake.
So I need your help, any advice to help keep me from going literally crazy? I have tried everything I can think of. I will not surrender my naptime yet.......

We need your help. Five sleep....well, no naps....none of us. This may not seem like a big deal, but I am pregnant people. I need rest!
Five days ago I had a brilliant idea to get rid of Brynnli's best friend, aka, her paci. Why? This is the question I've asked myself everyday for the last five days around one o'clock at naptime. It was no big deal to get rid of Carson's around the same age, she's only had it at bedtime for months now, no big deal right? Not! Well, not true. She couldn't care less. We told her if she threw her pacis away we'd buy her a princess. She loved it. She's happy as can be not napping, playing in her crib, whatever. She doesn't miss it at all. Not me. I want it back. She's two, she still needs a nap, Carson just quit needing one for goodness sake.
So I need your help, any advice to help keep me from going literally crazy? I have tried everything I can think of. I will not surrender my naptime yet.......