I feel like we spent the whole week celebrating Easter, but these pictures are going to go backwards in time, because I"m a lazy blogger. Here's some from today we took before/after church....

The funniest part was when we sat down in church today and our friends boys had the same outfit on as Carson, everyone was like, did you guys plan that?

Carson and Brynnli were really excited about the Easter bunny who was very delayed in coming this morning because we had to wait for daddy who got home from work late this morning, they didn't get much candy, mostly toys, but they went straight for it.

Earlier this week we had an Easter themed family home evening, I was so impressed with how interested Carson was in the story of Easter, but then we had an Easter egg hunt and dyed eggs, which the kids LOVED. This was the before:


I guess BRynnli thought she was supposed to dye herself instead of the egg

And Carson tried to eat the eggs, let me tell how how amazing our house smelled that night, yuck!
Yesterday morning our church had an Easter egg hunt, which was a big hit.
We waited in line at the mall for over an hour so that Carson could sit on the Easter bunny's lap. I knew that this would happen since it was the day before Easter, but Carson was so excited about it, and I was too busy this week to take him earlier.

Needless to say, BRynnli freaked out and wanted nothing to do with the bunny, who I have to say was kinda lame, and Carson LOVED it, but wouldn't smile or look at me taking a picture of him (illegally since you are supposed to buy theirs).
Hope you all had a great Easter celebration, despite all our silly celebrations we are thankful for the real reason we celebrate Easter!
1 comment:
I love your matching outfits! I especially love Brynnli's dress, what a beautiful family:)
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