A couple weeks ago some of our friends invited us to go strawberry picking and we couldn't go but I had no idea there were even farms or anything around here! So yesterday we packed up and drove like an hour south to the strawberry farm owned by the German Catholics or something. It was seriously the best thing ever. Our kids had a blast! We all love strawberries, even Rick who didn't like them when I met him, I had to change that quickly, and luckily succeeded.

The strawberries were huge! And so sweet!

So naturally we had to taste test them before we brought them home, despite my vow that I would wash them all first before any of us ate them.... the kids had other plans, and I caved in too. Brynnli pretty much sat in one place the whole time pointing to the plants and saying "mmm mmmm" until someone got her another one to eat. She likes to eat.

Carson was so cute and insisted on carrying the carton around most the time, it was dropped a few times too. He kept saying "oooo, that one is pretty, ooo mom look at this one"

Brynnli clearly did not want to leave, Rick had to drag her away....

Grandma and Grandpa T. came along with us too, and took most of the pictures.

We were on the way home in the middle of nowhere in a farming town and happened upon some (okay like 50 corn) corn in the middle of the road. Somehow it ended up in our trunk.....
Brynnli was possibly more excited about the corn for dinner than the 10-15 strawberries she ate when we got home.

And then we finished off the night with homemade strawberry milkshakes, YUMMY!!! (I was pretending to pour my milkshake on Rick's head to get this picture so both kids would look at me, that is the only reason they are both smiling)

We will definately be visiting them again before the season ends, we have already finished off half of what we brought home. What a perfect day!
1 comment:
what a fun idea!! i am going to have to check now if we have any places like that. i was laughing really hard about how you got the kids to smile at the end, haha, do what you gotta do for a cute picture.
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