I can't believe that my little baby is eleven months old today! (Well yesterday)I have been meaning to post a blog for a few weeks now of Brynnli walking (per a few requests), which she started around the time we left for our cruise, so here it is. She is actually getting pretty fast at it.

We were kinda trying to get a bunch of stuff around the house done today, so we kept telling Carson that if he was a good boy and helped us that we would setup the bounce house OUTSIDE in the yard after his nap. Unfortunately once he wokeup it was windy and rainy out and we felt really bad. The garage is the next alternative place to put it, but our Christmas decor etc. is all over waiting to be put away, so here's where it ended up..... in our living room. It was pretty funny.
So at the grocery store the other day I bought ice cream cones, we've never gotten them before, but Carson and Brynnli were obsessed with eating them on the cruise, so I thought it would be a fun treat some night. So I hyped it to Rick all day, he was excited about it, and imagine my surprise when I open the package and the cones are the size of a small dixie cup, they seriously held like one tablespoon of ice cream, perfect for the kids really, but a little disappointing to us adults.
Here's Rick with his ice cream shot, this is the whole cone. I'm sure we'll be eating a few more later.
good blog, but your video is private and i can't see it! you have to make it public on youtube to post it on your blog. the ice cream cones are hilarious though!
I LOVE Brynnli's hair! Classic styling :) Also, I loved the shots of ice cream. Too funny.
okay i finally just went back and watched this and it is so cute to see brynnli walking!
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