We said goodbye to two old friends yesterday. Both have been a huge part of our dating and married lives and we were sad to see them go. The first to go was Charcoal Charlie, the car that Rick and his sister had at BYU and that Rick and I went on many dates in, brought Carson home from the hospital in (sniff), etc. He is a world traveler. But he stopped working about nine months ago, which led us to getting a new to us car, and he has been in retirement at Rick's parents house since then. We decided it was finally time to let him move on to his next adventure. We donated him to charity. We'll miss you Charlie!

And last night we said goodbye to another old friend, Rick's 1994 Ford Mustang that he bought the year before we got married (seven years ago). We inherited a new to us car from Rick's sister that gets better gas mileage and is more family friendly, and right around the same time Rick's car started having some medical problems. So we put him on Craig's list and two days later, last night, he moved on too.

We will miss them both!
For anyone who is good at math and wondering where the fifth car factors in, it is Rick's old 66 mustang taking up space in our garage, which we will never sell because Rick someday plans to fix it up. I tried to get the guy who bought the mustang to buy it too but, alas, it is still here.:_
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