Poor Carson. Carson was trying to climb up a slide we have in our living room today when he fell and knocked his mouth on a peice of furniture next to it. I thought he had just cut his mouth until I realized I could see all the way through his lip....which he had apparently bitten all the way through. He had two little teeth marks right below his bottom lip. So, I called the pediatrician and she told me to take him to the ER. Luckily Rick's parents were here when it happened, since Rick was of course at work, and they took us and helped with Brynnli, who had to come because she still won't take a bottle. What a day!
Here's the little sweetheart getting his blood pressure taken

Luckily, my friend Crystal is an ER nurse and sped up the process for us, thank goodness!

Us with the doctor, we seriously took soooo many pictures!

Carson was SUCH a trooper! He had to get three stitches and didn't move a muscle the whole time! They gave him a local anesthetic luckily, but he was soo brave! The doctor couldnt' believe how well he did! I was very thankful because I think I would've lost it if he had been really sad:(

It looks a little worse than it should because Carson ate a purple popsicle after his stitches...

Brynnli got her first popsicle taste for being such a trooper (lucky girl) She was thrilled!

It was quite the experience. I knew I was in for it when I had a boy..... I'm sure this will not be the last trip to the hospital. But it all turned out okay, Rick came home, Carson got to eat baby food for dinner (which he always wants to do), and some of his friends from church brought him some cookies! Lucky boy! And my favorite part, Rick suprised me with a new camera! I am so excited to use it!!!
I couldn't resist including this pic of Brynnli from yesterday, she is crazy! When we got home from the hospital today she decided her new trick was to crawl up the slide!! What do I do with two mobile kids? I give up!!!!
What in the world! Carson's poor lip!! It looks so sad! Thats hilarious that you saw Crystal. And I can't believe your huge smile in all of those pictures Allison! What kind of a mother is smiling in the ER with their child who bit through their lip!?!? j/k. Your a fab mom. Sorry that we didn't come over - I knew you guys were packing and probably stressed out so I didn't want to bother you...call us when you get back!
Poor little guy. I am impressed with how brave he was. Your kids are seriously adorable.
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