Friday, July 25, 2008
The end of the trip

One of the fun things to do is to "ride bull" by sitting on the front of the raft when it goes through the rapids. I sucked it up and was the first one to do it, it was really exhilerating!

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Boise Trip Part 3
And then of course we did the baby pool again once Kate got there, she had so much fun!
We took the kids to this little water park by my parents house to play, they had a ton of fun, but liked the park part better almost than the water part, which was fine except it was HOT!!
We had fun in my parents backyard watching the kids run around
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Boise Part 2
My sister Nicole is so beautiful, inside and out, I am so proud of her.
I got to decorate her bday cake, I love doing that!
Playing in the baby pool
We got to go to FHE with my dad's singles ward, which was water skiing at the lake. Carson had a blast with my dad on the dock watching the boats.
Our Vacation to Boise
We left Florida and stopped twice on our way to Boise (two layovers that is) with a total of eight hours actually on the plane and 12 hours total from start of the day flying until the end. It was a LONG day. It didn't actually go quite as well as we planned. Our DVD player decided not to work, we almost missed our connecting flight, both Rick and I had cups of juice spilled on us, one of our planes was too small to carry on anything big which meant all the kids toys except a few were checked below for the three hour flight, and to top it all off, Brynnli was sick with a massive cold. However, the kids were actually really good on the flight!
To get to our small airplane we go to walk outside and walk up the stairs to get on, Carson thought that was soo cool!
It was Brynnli's first flight, and sick and all she was a champ!! She slept most of the time.
We had so much carry on luggage (due to the new rules about only checking on bag each without paying...) that Carson had to help us carry it through the airport (not really, but he looked really cute helping us) He actually drug this suitcase from one terminal to another, what a good helper!
It was so nice to have a seat for Carson, despite the steep price we paid for it! It gave us all a little more room. It was definately an improvement over Christmas when I flew alone eight months prego with Carson on my lap!
Once we got to Boise Brynnli got to meet all kinds of people for the first time!