We haven't had much to post about lately, but we actually had a fun filled day today to report.
Rick and some of the guys in our ward have started doing triathalons. So this meant that at seven a.m. this morning me and the two kids were out watching Rick and his friends swim, bike, and run. Rick did a great job!!
This swim was the only part I really got any pics of, by the other two events my hands were full with the kids, but Rick finished first on the swim and got the best time on the run.....
The bike part was a struggle, apparently because he needs a "road bike" I am told. The mountain bike was not making the cut, Rick said he was peddling like crazy while all the guys on road bikes rode by barely moving their legs:) We will have to work on that for next time, who knows maybe I will do it too?
After the triathalon and naps for the kids we were off to Delray Beach north of us to see Rick's three best friends from high school. One of their parent's (Jonathan's) have a gorgeous house on the beach, we love visiting them!
We took the kids down to the beach for a few minutes, Carson had a blast getting hit by waves, while Brynnli passed out on my shoulder. Maybe we will buy a "beach house" as Carson calls it, someday.....
After the beach we got to hangout with our favorite friends the Wernlis and play our new favorite game "settlers of Catan". It was even better since our two kids actually went to sleep over there without too much fuss!! What a fun day!!
In other news, Rick finished his first year with Miami Dade Fire Rescue and got an official black helmet instead of the yellow helmet that is for "probationary employees." This is a fancy way of saying that now my husband is allowed to take naps and get paid for it. Hallelujah!!

Naturally, Carson needed to try on the helmet while going on a call in his fire truck bed. This is one of his favorite things to do lately.

And Rick and I dropped the munchkins off at Gma and Gpa's so that we could go out to celebrate!! We had a great time going to dinner and walking around the mall kidless!! Thank you Tolberts!!

The rest of our week was spent swimming, with Brynnli covered head to toe in hand me down SPF wear from Carson since she can't wear sunscreen yet.....

It was raining one afternoon so we decided to watch a family movie "Shrek". The kids were both hypnotized by the movie, especially Brynnli. Carson lasted his usual 20 minutes and was off to play.

We have started the preliminary potting training, which means I spent my week cleaning up pee off of our tile floor, sitting in the bathroom, and buying cookies and underpants at the store. Carson likes to check himself out in his new Cars underwear. We decided it was time to train him since he has now decided he needs his diaper changed EVERY time he pees in it. We don't have enough money to buy that many diapers, so wish us luck!! Any advice is welcomed!!!