So he played hard and had a blast the whole night, they barbequed hot dogs, ate chips, and then it was time for bed. All I can say is that at midnight I recieved a call from a very angry Rick, who had been trying for over two hours in numerous ways to get Carson to sleep in the tent, and had finally accepted defeat and had thrown the tent in the passengers seat of his mustang with all the sleeping bags, clothes, etc. still in it, and decided to drive the hour and a half home. You name it, he had tried it, believe me I asked. Rick does not get mad easily and he was fuming. Carson just kept saying "Home, bed." And pointing to the car. Of course, as soon as he put Carson in the car, he fell asleep. The little nut.
Once Carson got home he was obsessed with watching a movie on his sleeping bag with Rick in his sleeping bag next to him on the floor, he couldn't stop talking about the camping trip, he apparently had a blast, but kept telling me when I asked why he didn't sleep in the tent that he was "mean to daddy." Rick finally cooled off the next morning .
Meanwhile, a very sick Brynnli and I took off for the mall to do some shopping for our girl's weekend. She was great sleeping in the Bjorn, but I think we will have a little more fun next year when she is a little older and not so sick, poor sweetie!

haha that is hilarious, poor rick. i love how carson knew he was mean. i love it.
okay where did you get so many cute outfits for brynnli? she is absolutely adorable; i'm obsessed.
that is awesome. rick is such a good sport. i can't wait til Kevin can take andrew on those campouts!!
p.s. brynnli's dress is darling! you do such a good job getting her all dolled up! can't wait to meet her
Okay, so now I am glad, Jonathan didn't take Bryce to the Father Son Camp Out last weekend. That was my main concern, that he wouldn't go to sleep in the tent.
What a cool Dad to take him camping! I can totaly relate to the no-sleeping-in-the-tent fit. Last year I spent every night of our family reunion campout in our van 'cause Michael wouldn't stop crying. I LOVE Brynli's dress and bows! Such a doll!
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