Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Happy 50th Birthday mom
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Father Son Campout
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Our week...

The one that got away...
Monday, May 5, 2008
Boys Weekend
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Our Randomness....
What a busy week we've had! I couldn't help but do a post about two cute things:
Carson built a little house of his own out of the extra materials using his play tools
We also built a vroom vroom house at our house out of legos, but I couldn't take a picture because our camera was with Rick in Philidelphia, Carson is such a fun kid!!
I couldn't help but take pictures of my other little cutie before church last week.....
What fun girls are!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Goodbye to an old friend
Rick was less than thrilled with this idea, it meant his naptime being disrupted as well:)
I was very embarassed to be taking pictures in my jammies as the garbage truck came by, they must think we are nuts!
We let Carson wheel the garbage out himself.....poor kid
And off they went, what a miracle those paci's were in our lives for so long, and now only a memory.... just like the long naps Carson used to take with that paci......ahhh....
He is however doing way better than I expected, no real difference except shorter naps, and as I keep telling him, he is such a BIG BOY!!
On a side note: Carson asked me today in the car if we could throw Brynnli's paci away, I told him little babies can have pacis, but not big people!!