I say sort of because I was never really a great blogger to begin with:) In any case, our computer is finally back from the doctor and I am ready to be able to use the internet again! How did we survive without it before? I actually used my phone book a couple times last week, I haven't done that in forever!
So here's what we've been up to lately..........

Brynnli is getting so fun, Carson and I have been trying to get her to play with toys with us.....sometimes Carson tries so hard he scares her though (hence her facial expression here)

Rick and Brynnli doing some daddy/daughter bonding:)

Jammie time, how fun!!

Last week Rick had some time off of work and we had all kinds of fun together as a family, one day we took the kids to the Miami Dade County Fair, which was soo fun!!

Carson and Rick rode most of the kiddie rides

While Brynnli and I took pictures and cuddled

There was a parade where Carson aquired quite a few necklaces, we thought he looked so cute, and he especially enjoyed the fried oreos we let him snack on, they were soo good!

Looking like a movie star in his new sunglasses

This was hands down the cutest part of the fair, we bought some carrots for Carson to feed the animals in the petting zoo, Carson was squatting down talking to the goats saying "hi", it was adorable, what a fun kid!

Brynnli is still not quite so excited about Carson holding her, even though he loves to!

Okay, not the cutest pic of her I know, but our little Brynnli has now been to the beach 3 times since she was born, she loves it!
We are loving being a family of four, our two kids are so fun and I love being a mom and feel so lucky to be at home with them all the time, what fun!!
all of these pictures are soo great, i am probably the happiest person that your internet is back! that picture of carson holding brynnli is classic- her face is hilarious.
Brynnli's so big and has so much hair. She's beautiful! I'm glad you're back on the blogging scene, I missed you :)
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