Allison (with help from Carson) washing her new car
for our growing family 2 days before giving birth to Brynnli

Allison walking into the hospital


First bath

My girls sleeping after long night of labor.

How precious!

Going Home

Good looking family!!

Carson loves his little Sister

What a Great MOMMY!

Carson getting some attention from his Grandma's

Carson Loves Root Beer
al- those hospital pics are much better than your first go round :). the one where you are walking into the hospital makes me so sad. brynnli looks so adorable!
For some reason, that post brought tears to my eyes. Especially the one that said "My two girls sleeping." So sweet. The pictures were so precious and seemed to catch the moment. Great job Rick!
Sweet ride:) Also, I love all Brynnli's hair, so cute! I hope the recovery is going well and good luck with the two under two, it's gets easier every day:)
Allison, you are a BABE! Holy crap! I can't believe how terrific you look right after having her! Seriously, I'm so impressed! I hope y'all can get some sleep!
Good job, Rick!
Allison, I tagged you ... like you'll ever have the time. But, by some miracle if you do, check my blog.
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