So, I woke up Sunday morning with a great idea, since we were just hanging around all day with nothing to do, I thought we could all get cute and take a family picture since my mom was here to take it. So we pretty much spent the whole day getting ready (well I did, showering can be quite an accomplishment right now:) and started pictures.....
Let's just say it didn't turn out quite the way I had imagined...

Brynnli was fine once I fed her, but Carson was not feeling photogenic at all....

What an angel she is!!!

Poor Carson, he was not happy with us at all, he wanted to play outside

Grandma and Brynnli

Aww.... she has Rick wrapped around her finger already
Here are some belated Valentines pics

Kalle Wernli (left), Kaitlyn Freel (cousin), Brynnli on the right, assuming her yoga pose

We were feeling stir crazy on Saturday so we went to President's Fest at a park by our house, Carson's favorite part was the "nine" school buses in the parking lot

Brynnli slept the whole time!!!