Carson wanted a birthday party, so we decided to invite most of the neighborhood kids and one of his friends from church to come over for a backyard party. Luckily, it was really nice out! Rick made all the kids marshmallow guns, I attempted to paint their faces, we played bingo, did silly string, jumped on the trampoline, and had a homemade monster truck pinata:)
Cole was hardcore about shooting his marshmallow gun!
Carson at 7:
-He's reading pretty well, very well behaved at school and gets a good note home at least twice a week from his teacher, Mrs. Fritzius
-He loves playing anything that is realistic (store, school, etc)
-He has an amazing sense of direction and is very observant.
-He loves racecars, monster trucks, construction equipment, legos, growing plants, and making compost:)
-His favorite foods are chicken, pizza, fishy crackers, and any kind of fruit; but doesn't want anything mixed together or touching:)
-He's my cuddler. Loves hugs and kisses and needs them and attention the most out of all the kids.
-He loves playing with Brynnli and Cole and is always willing to help me with anything I need. He is a good example to his siblings.
-He loves lanyards, key chains, keys, caribiners, anything. Anytime he goes anywhere or does anything new he always comes home and reinacts it. The other day he took a field trip to Flamingo Gardens, and when he got home, he clipped his water bottle to his pants like the guy did that worked there and created his own "Flamingo Gardens" outside. Very imaginative.
We love him so much!!! My baby boy. Can't believe he's 7.