Christmas was so fun. These four kiddos make everything so fun. Rick worked Christmas eve so I had a tough time keeping the kids in their room until he got home. They had fun opening their Santa presents. Cole got a little bike, Brynnli got a new bike, and Carson got a Bobcat truck, and Brielle got a crawling doggy. We opened presents at our house and then went over the GRandma and Grandpa Tolberts to open presents with the Freel cousins. 
Highlights of Christmas this year:
Cole sitting on Santa's lap and saying adamantely, "bike" when asked what he wanted. Brielle cried.
Brielle LOVED the wrapping paper.
Going to the Christmas light show that we parked and walked to. It was set to music and amazing.Brynnli: Cadence My little pony, new big girl bike, razor scooter; Cole: new big boy bike, real shopping cart, boat;Brielle: wrapping paper:)
Cute hugs between Carson and Brynnli and Cole when they opened the presents they bought eachother.
Matching jammies courtesy of Grandma Tolbert
Letting the kids pick out gifts for kids who needed them.
Watching how excited the kids were to look for their Elf on the Shelf Rudolph every morning in a different spot.
Watching "Prep and landing" and the kids pretending to be elves, and watching Cole dance while watching the Elf on the Shelf movie. He loved it.