Introducing Carson as "Dr. Tolbert" and Cole as a "lawnmower man" (Cole refused to be anything else)
Brynnli as a kitty (today) and Ariel the mermaid (at every other party)
And Brielle as a pink baby butterfly. She's such a cutie. She slept for half of trick or treating and watched in amazement the other half. Cole was super hilarious. He wanted to eat every peice of candy and held most of it in his hand until I could pry it loose to put in his basket. He walked the whole way and was so excited!
While we were in Georgia visiting our best friends, we went to their church Trunk or Treat. More on that trip later.
Brynnli had a parade at school today. She was too cute in her costume. She decided at the last minute this morning that she wanted to be a kitty.....who knows. Love her. Happy Halloween!!!