We had a great Easter together as a family. I tried extra hard this year to emphasize the REAL reason we celebrate it in addition to all the fun stuff. Part of that was watching our church play "Savior of the world." Rick and I went once and I took the kids. The kids loved it. Our ward didn't have an Easter egg hunt, so some of us decided to throw our own for the kids. It was fun watching them get their eggs. Cole was especially funny, he wasn't too impressed until he realized there was candy inside.....
I think the Easter bunny must've eaten some of our chocolates though because he left these footprints all over the place!!!
Our lazy Easter breakfast was Krispy Kremes Rick picked up for us the night before while he was out on a call at work.....they were really yummy!!
We went to church and Cole gave me the best Easter present of all by staying in the nursery for an hour all by himself!!! HE's been in there for two months now and this is a first!! Crossing my fingers it continues so I don't have to bring my newborn in there while I stay with him......
Then we went to the Grandparents for dinner.....so nice. The kids had the best time. All in all, a great day.