I missed this but, apparently when cousin Matthew (13 mon.) saw Carson for the first time this trip he went crazy and wouldn't stop hugging him. It was very cute.
Before we left, Cole took his first pony ride at Grandma/pa's neighbor's house. The other kids went too, but they've all been before. From what I heard, Cole wasn't a huge fan.....

We wanted to take the girls to the "Bibbity Bobbity Boo Boutique" to get their hair, makeup, etc. done at Disney, but it was booked. So Trisha and I decided to do the girls up ourselves. As much as it saddens me, Brynnli doesn't last more than about two minutes with me doing her hair...

Cole and Grandpa, his BFF
One of the days after we got home from the park at 6 it was raining and we decided to go swimming. The pool was heated, big plus, since it was pretty chilly for Orlando that day! (Ok, like 80?)

The kids got their faces painted at Sea World
I ended up going on most the kiddie rides at Sea World since I couldn't ride most of the cool ones at the other parks, and it was so fun. One of these days I will end up at a theme park not pregnant, and not with a baby strapped to me.......maybe in five years????

Race cars at Magic Kingdom

Cole and Brynnli's favorite, Carson finally is getting too old to like the same rides as the little ones most the time...so he got to go on lots of roller coasters with Daddy!

These boys were super good sports at sitting in the stroller lots waiting while the rest of us had fun....don't they kind of look alike? And Grandma and Grandpa were good sports about staying with them so we could do the fun stuff......THANK YOU!!!

The girls in their matching dresses sewn by Grandma T. They really thought they were royalty that day.....super cute. Carson got a kick out of Cinderella saying he was the handsome prince:)

These girls had a love/hate relationship this visit....they LOVED playing together, but fought over EVERYTHING!!
The boys had matching shorts.....this was our best picture....after the third full day at the park....think they were done????