We went to the beach, the water was still a little chilly......but we had fun anyways!
It was Cole's 2nd time at the beach, first time in the water and sand, he LOVED it.
Brynnli was trying desperately to rinse the sand off in this little bucket....
Carson brought his dump trucks...
We did something last minute and decided to go to Sea World...we literally decided and left in a matter of an hour. I was so proud of myself.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Spring Break
This was the first year we had a real Spring Break because Carson was actually in school and got one (even though it's still just preschool....) It was so nice not having to be up and dressed by 8:30 to take Carson to school last week, I am dreading next year when he goes at 7.... anyway....
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Friends and Family
Okay, last blog from our trip LAST MONTH to Utah. Rick's family left after the first week and we stayed out there to visit some family and old friends and hang around Provo and remember when we were young and irresponsible....
We stayed at my aunt and uncles for a few days and had a big snowstorm while we were there. The kids had a blast playing outside AGAIN in the snow.
Cole really hadn't been out to play in the snow at all until this, he was mostly excited about it:)
I think he liked the snow, but wasn't a huge fan of his marshmallow suit.....

We started and ended our trip with a visit to urgent care with Cole. He slept awfully pretty much the whole trip so I was convinced both times he had an ear infection.....the jury is still out on that one...I think he just likes his own bed.
My parents drove out for part of the weekend to see us and that was so fun! We went bowling, out to Kneaders for breakfast, and back to the Brick Oven for dinner, and just played. The kids were so excited to see their Grandma and Grandpa. 

And my sister Nicole goes to school in Provo so we were able to see her lots, which was so nice. We went to Cafe Rio, Red Robin, shopping, and got to see her apartment. 
We stayed at my aunt and uncles for a few days and had a big snowstorm while we were there. The kids had a blast playing outside AGAIN in the snow.
I think he liked the snow, but wasn't a huge fan of his marshmallow suit.....
I very possibly look intoxicated in this picture, but it was the last day of our trip and I think 15 days of sketchy sleep had finally gotten the best of me.
The kids LOVED bowling, so much that Carson decided that's what he wanted to do for his birtdhay party.
You know how there's those kind of friends you can not talk to or see for awhile and then just pick right back up with when you get together? That's how we felt when we got to hangout twice with some of our best friends from BYU days, the Adamsons. Our kids seriously had a blast with their kids, and we had a blast with them.

We met up with my cousin Elise and her hubby and sweet little girl. I guess I wasn't super good at pictures this day, but did happen to snap this one while the kids played ring around the rosy. Did I mention this trip made me really want a basement? None of those in Florida. We also met up with two of my other cousins Janelle and Joel and their families (I haven't seen Joel since I was in 9th grade!) Somehow I forgot to take any pictures...lame.
All in all a fun trip. Can't wait to go back!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Utah...Temple Square
Temple square in downtown Salt Lake is one of my favorite places in Utah. We went on a Sunday morning and a few of us went to watch and listen to The Spoken Word in the old tabernacle while the rest of us watched it in the visitor's center. The kids LOVED the visitor's center and Brynnli asked to go back all day to see the Christus. They were also interested when we pointed out where President Monson's office was.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Too much Birthday
Carson's birthday was earlier this week....I've been trying to post since then but blogger and I are not getting along right now.....
Anyways....has anyone read the book The Berenstein Bears and Too Much Birthday? It's one of our favorites around here and I feel like it was pretty much how Carson's birthday went at one point. I'll get to that. We started out the day opening presents, and went out for breakfast to our usual birthday place. Then Carson was off to school. We showed up with sugar cookies (Carson's request) and juice boxes for his class. He was so happy....but didn't like the sugar cookies (not sure why....) and ate one bite. He didn't care though and smiled the whole time. There went two hours of my time wasted:)
After nap time (Brynnli and Cole's) we took him and his two best boy friends bowling (his request again). The boys and Brynnli had a blast and it was all going great until halfway through the game when Carson had a full on meltdown...."because he was hungry." This is when the too much birthday story came to mind. 

As a side note, all the kids did well, but Brynnli kicked some serious butt (due to the ball roller thingy I think...but still she got two strikes) It was too funny too that Carson's friends were helping her carry her ball and put it on there.....who says chivalry is dead?
And Cole....he had a blast in the stroller for a good while, until Grandma and Grandpa showed up and he realized he had options....

We went back to our house for cake and to play for awhile. We won't talk about how Carson also didn't eat any of his cake......

And then Carson got to play school, which he wanted to do most of all. Here's what he asked for for his birthday:
Then we headed off to Carson's favorite pizza restaurant (yes with all FIVE kids...but that's what Carson wanted) where things magically improved again. I think he really was hungry.
Woody and Jessie even made an appearance!
His own stapler, his own tape, and his own camera. He loves to play school right now. He also wanted some lego things and trucks....he's not totally crazy:)
Here's what he's up to at five: (this is for my journaling...so skip ahead if you want...)
He can write his first and last name without any help, knows all his letters and numbers through 15, and how to write them and can count to thirty. He also knows how to count in Spanish. He knows how to add with his fingers, and about ten sight words. THANK YOU PRESCHOOL!!! I can't take credit for much of this because he won't ever let me teach him anything! Thankfully his preschool teacher "knows way more than me" and he listens to her. He is a very good boy at school and listens to most everything his teacher says.
He loves garbage trucks still, trains, trucks, playing school, playing outside, and riding his bike. He has an incredible imagination.
He is 45 inches tall and 33 pounds. He requires only minimal sleep.....
We are so thankful he's around!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Utah trip Part 2
I'm so behind at blogging the rest of our trip to Utah, but here it is anyways. The days we weren't skiing were spent doing all kinds of fun things.
Rick and I went out on the town in Park City for Valentines (but a day late...i.e. no crowds)
We took the kids to the heated pool for a Polar Bear Swim....which they LOVED!

Cole was too little for the swim but came to watch:)
Fun snow time
And of course, for all of us to enjoy skiing, we had to take turns watching the kiddos. It was a fun time. But man, watching two infants, two three year olds and a five year old was busy!
And of course, for all of us to enjoy skiing, we had to take turns watching the kiddos. It was a fun time. But man, watching two infants, two three year olds and a five year old was busy!
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