Happy Birthday Rick! (ok...a couple days late)
Last year Rick and I were on a cruise by ourselves.....this year was still fun but less crazy.
We took the kids out for breakfast before school

Rick and I snuck off to eat lunch by ourselves at an old favorite restaurant of Rick's, Rustic Inn. Notice how Rick has crab legs and I have chicken fingers....I told him he's lucky that I'm a cheap date:)

Rick wanted to take the kids camping for his birthday, so we did. We went around the corner to a park by our house and set up camp. Cole was excited about his first camping trip.

The most memorable part of the trip was that after dinner it started pouring rain. We jumped up and huddled together under the lifted up gate in the back of our caR. We were going to just head home and do cake there, but our camping neighbors invited us to come over and use their trailer awning, so we had birthday cake over there and made new friends!!

I was up in the air as to whether or not Cole and I would stay the night, but we decided to be adventurous and do it. He was a trooper like always, and slept great on his packnplay mattress in the corner of the tent. The other two had a blast telling campfire stories at bedtime and playing in the tent.

In usual Tolbert fashion, the kids wokeup bright and early (notice its still dark outside) to cook breakfast on the fire. It was a fun trip! Our tent is getting a little small though, it seemed much bigger last time we used it when we just had Carson!

Happy Birthday Rick! Rick was lucky this year and got an new Canon T2i camera for his birthday, so our pictures should start to look much more amazing!! (or so you'd think at least....)