I'm still catching up from vacation.... two weeks later. While we were in Boise they got the most snow they've gotten in awhile and we loved it! Little Cole hungout with Grandma and Grandpa inside while we went out and had a blast!

We did drag Cole out for two minutes for a picture, but he was miserable, so we scratched that.

We built a snow tunnel.....

I built (with a little help from the kiddos) a giant snowman

We took the kids to the park and they had fun playing on all the equipment covered in snow.

Sledding in the backyard was a hit too.....so many fun things to do in the snow.

Carson could've stayed out there for hours shoveling....Brynnli was the same once we figured out how to keep her fingers warm.

Random pic of my mom and I cooking on Thanksgiving. We were so thankful to be there with everyone. I was very thankful that we don't live in a cold place....it's a lot of work with kids to keep them warm to get out of the house! I think I'd never leave!!! But it was a blast to visit!!!
We've actually had really chilly weather here since we got home and Carson keeps asking me when it's going to snow.....poor kid. I agree though, if it's going to be cold, you might as well get some snow! Won't be happening here anytime soon.....