This is my favorite pic of the Heyman fam....what cute smiles from their girls!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
A three hour tour....
So in the Bahamas the next day one of my brother in law's cooworkers took us on a tour out on a boat. We stopped by the straw market in Nassau, where Brynnli snagged a snow white purse and Carson got a shark tooth neclace....he was really more interested in watching the boats though...
After the straw market we took a little ride over to this empty private was awesome. We felt kinda like VIP's. I'm not gonna lie though....I did feel a little bit like I was part of the Gilligan's island tour....

The kids all had a blast on the beach. Brynnli was LOVING the water as usual, and Carson was digging roads on the island...

One of the coolest parts of the whole trip though for me was that Carson went snorkeling with Rick (wearing a life jacket at my request) and loved swimming with the fish. We drove over to this other island after and he got in again and dove down with Rick to get conch shells off the ocean floor, it was pretty cute. The conch shells they got had all kinds of suprises in them though... like these baby hermet crabs (that Carson's holding in the picture) that started piling out by the hundreds, and this little tiny baby octopus...
Later that night we got showered and went out to the beach for dinner. It was awesome that most the places we ate while we were there were right on the water....perfect spot for pictures....if only we had a super photogenic family:) was really fun.
This is my favorite pic of the Heyman fam....what cute smiles from their girls!
This is my favorite pic of the Heyman fam....what cute smiles from their girls!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Preschool Graduation
I had to interrupt my vacation blogging to include this.
Carson "graduated" from his little mommy and me preschool today, which was really cute and hilarious considering all but one of the kids in his class are going on to preschool again next year, but away from homes and moms since in Florida it is free the year before Kindergarten.

My friend Lindsey was amazing and made up these cute certificates and bags and a school bus cake for the was really fun.
After the party was over we had snacks and a swim party which was a blast also. We are so proud of Carson and all he learned this year and are excited (sniff.....sort of) for him to go to "real" preschool next year. I will miss him sooo much though....
Carson "graduated" from his little mommy and me preschool today, which was really cute and hilarious considering all but one of the kids in his class are going on to preschool again next year, but away from homes and moms since in Florida it is free the year before Kindergarten.
And I couldn't help but including this picture of Brynnli on her new ride, given to us by our neighbors, she's a motorcylce mama, very fitting for her crazy personality:)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Bahamas Day One
The Bahamas starting out excellently with a THIRTY minute plane ride, which is like the most amazing thing ever compared to our usual all day flight. I had to take a picture of us waiting outside the airport though with our suitcases because when RIck and I went there on our honeymoon we seriously sat outside waiting for our shuttle to Atlantis for like an hour while the driver ate his lunch on the curb..... not the case this time.
We hungout at the house for awhile, got groceries, and then got all ready to go swim at the pool, and then as we finished applying sunscreen Jenny looked out the window and noticed it was raining. It didn't stop for the rest of the night. So we decided to venture out and find some authentic Bahamas food for dinner. We went to the Travelers Rest, which had decent food, but a really fun atmosphere. The live band was a big hit with the kids who spent most of the time dancing. It was the perfect way to spend the night. 
Monday, May 24, 2010
Okay, so we really don't have people come visit us all that often, so we were thrilled that Jenny, Chris and their girls came to see us for a few days before we all headed to the Bahamas. We had fun doing tourist stuff along with them. We took them on an airboat tour in the everglades which was really fun.
On the tour we saw one alligator and he was very cooperative and hung around our boat for awhile checking us out. He was next to Kate for quite awhile and she never seemed nervous or anything, just kept waving. The kids loved it.
After the tour there were tons of animals and these little baby alligators that we could hold. None of the kids would hold them, but they were very interested.....I think at one point Brynnli tried to give him a kiss.

And then we were off to the Bahamas....I have no idea how I will only pick a few pictures from this part of the trip to post... it was beautiful and so much fun. Stay tuned:)
And then we were off to the Bahamas....I have no idea how I will only pick a few pictures from this part of the trip to post... it was beautiful and so much fun. Stay tuned:)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
We were so lucky to have my sister Jenny and her family here for the last ten days.... to say we had a great time would be an understatement. The kids especially had so much fun and were so cute playing together. Jenny and I have planned well and had our kids one year apart each, so it's Carson (4), Kate (3), Brynnli (2), and Macy (ten months), and then our little guy will be right in line.
Our kids LOVED little Macy a little too much at times, but she was a good sport and such a cutie pie it made us excited for our little baby coming soon.
Tons more pictures to come from all the fun stuff we did, but I'm still recouping from our trip to Bahamas......we miss you Heymans!
Tons more pictures to come from all the fun stuff we did, but I'm still recouping from our trip to Bahamas......we miss you Heymans!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Girls/Boys Weekend
Our church father son campout was this weekend and Rick was thrilled to take Carson. Carson was beyond excited.....and it went much better than two years ago when Rick took Carson for the first time and ended up driving the two hours home at midnight:) This time they had a blast! Carson stayed up late and wokeup early in true Carson fashion and was really excited to go on a canoe with dad.....
Apparently Carson wasn't a big fan of the canoe..... could be for a few reasons.... the spiders they ran into that fell in the canoe, or the fact that Carson hit a bump and fell in the canoe and hit his head....or maybe he just isn't into canoeing....but apparently he pretty much yelled the last while of the trip....
He still had a blast with dad. It was fun too that he got to stay in the tent with one of his best friends Isaac.

Brynnli and I went off to the mall with her best friend Izzie and her mom and ate dinner, had smoothies, and shopped for clothes for the little girls. The girls got princess bracelets, rings from the quarter machine, and we let them loose for a little bit in the mall together. This is where they ended up. These two guys were playing music in a storefront and they had some little mini groupies. The girls seriously danced there for awhile and were so cute. It was so fun to have girl time. Saturday morning we did our nails, played and went to the pool. It was a great time.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Yes, we went to Disney again. This will be the last time before the summer and the baby comes, it was pretty hot this time, we left the park midday both days to swim or cool off! But the kids didn't care, they loved it as usual.
Brynnli really does think she's a princess.... seeing her face when she sees the princesses is priceless. What a girly girl. Carson was thrilled that sleeping beauty called him a handsome prince, and my favorite was when he asked Belle where the beast was. She said that he had gone to get more books for her library. They must have a class on what they're supposed to say to these questions.....the kids believed it though and repeated it all day:)
We checked out Epcot this time which we've never done before.....this was us waiting for the Honey I shrunk the audience show....this was definately the cutest part of the show.
It is always so nice to just have family time together, we had a fun time:)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Swimming Lessons
We have had a very crazy month....I can't even begin, but I couldn't help but do a blog today about how good the two kids are doing with swimming lessons. They are so cute. Carson learned how to swim last summer, but I wanted him to get more confident etc. and Brynnli LOVES to "swim" but doesn't know how or understand that she can't do it by herself. Anyways, they did really good today, here's some pictures.
Brynnli finally let the teacher hold her today, she wouldn't go anywhere near her before. She was bribed with chocolate.
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