Now that we have been home almost a week I thought it was about time I did a blog on our fun family trip to Boise to see my family! It started off a little rocky, since per usual, both our kids came down sick the day before we left, and we had to rent a nebulizer for Carson since he came down with bronchitis.... but that was the first two days. After that and despite that we had the most awesome time!
Carson and Brynnli were so cute sharing a seat on the plane

When we got to Idaho we did all kinds of fun stuff like going to this place with all kinds of rides and play stuff.......

And really they have the coolest parks there, not to mention despite it being like 95 or whatever it still felt cool to us since there was no humidity (very sad I know)

We got to celebrate my sister Nicole's 21st birthday with her at Red Robin, which was really fun (by this point Rick had to take Brynnli outside though since she had had enough)

We had such a fun time with Nicole's boyfriend Chris too, he is hilarious!

Back at home after dinner Carson started this thing about having babies (who knows where from) and started pretending to take "baby" cars out of his tummy. Chris and Nicole started in on it too (with a little help from Carson) and it was really the hardest I've laughed in an long time... thanks Nicky and Chris for being good sports!

The other hilarous thing was that Carson or Brynnli's balloon somehow ended up at the top of my parent's very high ceiling, which the boys took as a challenge to see who could get it.... watching my LITTLE brother who is at least 6' 0 on Rick's shoulders was pretty funny

Another day we headed to the zoo, which was really fun, and different from our zoo here.
The kids both LOVED the penguins, especially Brynnli who was saying her version of fish and laughing

Ryan was such a good sport to come along with us, I was shocked to find out he had only been to the zoo like once.... this is what happens when you're the youngest kid I guess....

Grandma and Grandpa took the kids on the carousel

The coolest thing about the zoo was how close you could get to the animals, which were just on the other side of this glass, the kids LOVED it!
I have more pics to post soon, but this is the first part of our trip.... sorry its so many p ictures, I have a hard time narrowing it down....
The only sad part about our trip was not getting to see my sister Jenny, who is due in a week with a baby girl, and her family, we missed you guys!

We did however webcam and Jenny took a picture of us all trying to fit on the screen.... it was a brady bunch moment.....