Rick went to the races this weekend, so I decided to take the kids to do something fun while he was gone. In the past (before kids) my mother and law and I would use this weekend to go shopping and out to eat, girls stuff. That is all in the past. Last year we attempted to take three babies to the mall (Rick's sis Trisha was in town) and decided we had to give up the shopping. So, it just so happened that Thomas the train was coming to town this weekend, so we decided to go see him. The kids had a great time, and so did we, just a little different than before. It all started when we took the kids to the zoo before the train ride and got lost (my fault of course...), and then the second we got on the train, Carson needed to go potty. He said, "mommy is there a bathroom on this train?" To which I said, no..... can you wait? NO." So with the 25 minute train ride starting at that moment, we had two options, a pullup and a water bottle. We chose the water bottle. We have used this method several times in the last year... this pic was taken right after Carson "used the bathroom" on the train.

The kids both loved the train ride.....

About five minutes later Brynnli zonked out on my shoulder.

They also had fun activities for the kids like bubble blowing, playdough, and toy trains.

And of course, we had to meet Sir Top M. Hat, who was very friendly, and so was Carson.

Who needs the mall when you can get lost at the zoo, ride a toy train, and pee in a water bottle?